Sign Up, Stand Out

Green reflective sign with house numbers on it in yard in front of white homeWhen seconds can save a life, it is vital that law enforcement officers and fire rescue personnel responding to an emergency find the location quickly. If a home or residential address isn’t clearly visible, response times can slip away and put lives in danger.

The Sign Up, Stand Out program provides free reflective 911 address signs for Walton County residents that allow first responders to find their homes quickly during the day and at night. The signs are installed by the Walton County Sheriff’s Office on residents’ properties in a location that is visible from the roadway.

Residents interested in participating in this program are encouraged to fill out a Sign Up, Stand Out form below.

Once your information is submitted, the address will be added to a list and a member of the Walton County Sheriff’s Office will reach out to set up an installation date.