Request for Proposal: Walton County Sheriff’s Office Information Technology Audit Project

Request for Proposal

Walton County Sheriff’s Office Information Technology Audit Project

Competitive proposals are requested to be received by the Walton County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) (752 Triple G Road DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433) by 5:00 PM CST on June 26, 2019, from qualified vendors/proposers for an Information Technology Audit/Assessment.

All Corporations that have intent to submit a proposal shall notify WCSO by 5:00 PM CST on June 26, 2019.

All Corporations should provide a corporate seal, a copy of the Secretary of State’s Certificate of Good Standing, dated not less than ten days prior to submittal, and a listing of the principals of the corporation with the submittal.

No reimbursement will be made by WCSO for any costs incurred prior to a formal Notice to Proceed should an award of contract result from this solicitation. The proposal must be signed by an official authorized to bind the vendor.

Requests for additional information should be directed in electronic mail to Major Joe Preston, Director of Business Development [email protected] by June 12, 2019. Questions received after this deadline may not be answered. Replies of substance will be in the form of an addendum which will be sent to all known Proposers via electronic email.

The Walton County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses and to waive technicalities as deemed to be in the best interest of the WCSO. WCSO reserves the right to request additional information from a respondent(s) as deemed necessary to analyze responses. 

General Information

 PURPOSE OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP):  The purpose of this RFP is to solicit detailed proposals from qualified vendors for a comprehensive Information Technology Audit.  The primary drivers for this audit are to 1) continuously improve the quality of services provided by IT, 2) reduce or manage growth in costs (including manpower requirements) for providing IT services, 3) develop plans that support WCSO’s future information technology needs, 4) provide flexibility in the deployment of IT services, and 5) improve innovation capabilities.  The Scope of Work (SOW) of this audit shall: 1) document the current network infrastructure in its totality, 2) assess current procurement and contract practice/process, 3) assess current security protocols/standards, providing any gap analysis, 4) asses current disaster recovery capabilities, providing any gap analysis, 5) assess skills, abilities and workload of current staff, 6) identify opportunities for outscoring of services.

OCCUPATIONAL TAX CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENT:  The successful Proposer Vendor, as well as all sub-vendors, will be required to obtain a Walton County, Florida Occupational Tax Certificate or Registration prior to proceeding with any work relating to this RFP.

OTHER LICENSES AND REGISTRATIONS REQUIREMENT:  All vendors, including joint ventures, are required to hold any and all necessary applicable professional licenses and registrations required by Florida Statute. Obtaining and ensuring compliance with all licensing and registering requirements is the complete responsibility of the vendor.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND RESTRICTIONS:  If any vendor, vendor’s employee, joint venturer, or any individual working on the proposed contract may have a possible conflict of interest that may affect the objectivity, analysis, and/or performance of the contract, it shall be declared in writing and submitted to the WCSO within ten (10) days of issuance of this RFP. Upon receipt of a conflict of interest disclosure, the WCSO shall determine in writing whether the conflict is significant and material and if so, may in its sole discretion refuse to consider a proposal submitted by that vendor. A vendor who is determined to have a conflict of interest will be notified of the determination and may either amend the proposal before the proposal submission deadline or protest such a determination. Failure to disclose a potential conflict of interest is a basis for a determination of non-responsiveness to this RFP or will constitute a basis for default if a contract is awarded.

PERFORMANCE AND LABOR & MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND:  The successful Proposer, simultaneously with the execution of the contract and lease agreement, will be required to furnish a faithful Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred (100%) percent of the contract amount and a Labor and Material Payment Bond equal to one hundred (100%) percent of the contract amount; said bonds shall be secured from a surety company satisfactory to the Walton County Sheriff’s Office.

QUESTIONS / INQUIRIES CONCERNING RFP:  Any information required or questions regarding this RFP should be addressed and/or delivered to:

Walton County Sheriff’s Office

Major Joe Preston

Phone Number: 850-892-8186

Fax Number: 850-892-8422

E-mail: [email protected]
Deadline for Questions: 5:00 PM CST on June 12, 2019

CANCELLATION OF THE RFP: The WCSO reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to cancel the RFP if it is in the WCSO’s best interest.

ADDENDUM TO THE RFP:  The WCSO reserves the right to issue written addendum(s) to revise or clarify this RFP, respond to questions, and/or, for good and sufficient reason, may extend the response deadline, in which case all potential Proposers will receive an addendum setting forth the new date and time for final proposals.

PROPOSAL WITHDRAWAL AND CORRECTION:  The Proposer may withdraw his/her submitted proposal by providing a written request to the Procurement Division before the stipulated closing date and time. Withdrawal of your proposal will not cause prejudice or interfere with the right of the Proposer to submit a new proposal, provided the latter is received by the predetermined date and time provided herein. No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days following the stipulated closing date.

DISCLOSURE OF PROPOSAL CONTENTS:  A proposal’s content shall not be disclosed to other vendors until after the Notice of Award is issued. Upon issuance, the proposals become public information except for trade secrets or other proprietary data deemed confidential by both the Vendor and the WCSO.

RETENTION OF PROPOSALS / CONFIDENTIALITY:  Upon receipt of the proposal by the WCSO, the proposal shall become the property of the WCSO without compensation to the Proposer, for disposition or use at the WCSO’s discretion.

DELIVERY OF MATERIALS:  Proposals may be delivered in person or by mail to the below address. Proposals must be presented in writing; verbal responses are not acceptable. It is the Proposers responsibility to deliver proposals to the specified location prior to the stipulated closing date and time. The WCSO assumes no responsibility for submittals received after the advertised deadline or at any office or location other than that specified herein, whether due to mail delays, courier mistake, mishandling, or any other reason. If proposals are delivered by other than hand delivery, it is recommended that the proposer verify delivery. Any proposal received after the specified time and date will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the firm. Submit one (1) original & one (1) copy of proposal delivered to:

Walton County Sheriff’s Office

Attn: Major Joe Preston

752 Triple G Road

DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433

Proposals should be clearly marked on the outside as RFP No. 19-001 WCSO Information Technology Audit“.

USE/OWNERSHIP OF DATA:  The ownership of all data that is prepared or produced under this contract shall be that of the WCSO.

INSURANCE:   Vendor shall maintain insurance with companies licensed to do business in the State of Florida acceptable to the WCSO for the protection of the WCSO and name it as an additional insured, against all claims, losses, costs or expenses arising out of injuries or death of persons whether or not employed by Vendor, whether arising from the acts or omission, negligence or otherwise of Vendor or any of its agents, employees, patrons, or other persons, and growing out of work being done by Vendor on behalf of WCSO, such policies to provide for a liability limit on account of each accident resulting in the bodily injury or death of not less than One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars, a liability limit of not less than One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars for each accident for property damage. Vendor shall also carry product liability insurance for personal injuries and/or death in the amount not less than One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars for any one person. Vendor shall maintain a combined single liability limit of One Million ($1,000,000) Dollars, covering owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles. Vendor shall furnish evidence to the WCSO of the continuance in force of said policies by providing copies of the policy to the Procurement Agent. A Certificate of Insurance is not acceptable. The WCSO’s sole judgment shall control as to the sufficiency of the coverage.

Vendor shall furnish to the WCSO satisfactory evidence that it carries Worker’s Compensation Insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.

Any contract awarded to a Vendor will contain the following clauses:

INDEMNIFICATION:  Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the WCSO, its agents, officers, and employees, their successors and assigns, individually and collectively, with respect to all claims, demands or liability for any injuries to any person (including death) or damage to any property arising out of the activities of Vendor or based on alleged negligence of Vendor, its officers, agents, or employees and Vendor shall defend against all such claims and pay all expenses of such defense, including attorney fees, and all judgments based thereon; provided that this obligation shall not extend to any damage, injury or loss due to the negligence of the WCSO.

TERMINATION OF CONTRACT FOR CAUSE:  The WCSO shall have the right to terminate any contract to be made hereunder for their convenience by giving the Vendor written notice of their election to do so and by specifying the effective date of such termination. The Vendor shall be paid for its services through the effective date of such termination. Further, provided a contract is awarded, if a Vendor shall fail to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder, the WCSO may terminate the agreement with said Vendor for such default by giving written notice to the Vendor at issue. If this agreement is so terminated, the Vendor shall be paid only for work satisfactorily completed.

TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE:  This contract may be terminated in whole or in part by the WCSO with the consent of the Vendor in which case the two parties shall agree upon the termination conditions, including the effective date in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated or by the Vendor upon written notification to the WCSO setting forth the reasons for such termination, the effective date, and in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. However, if in the case of partial termination, the WCSO determines that the remaining portion of the award will not accomplish the purposes for which the contract was awarded, the WCSO may terminate the contract in its entirety.

SELECTION PROCESS:  A Selection Committee will review all proposals as that are received. The Selection Committee will review the proposals and determine whether the Proposer is qualified or unqualified. The WCSO reserves the right to request additional information or clarification from vendors/proposers. The Selection Committee will rank the qualified firms based on the data submitted. The Selection Committee may require each of these firms to make a formal presentation to the Selection Committee regarding its qualifications to perform the project. The top-ranked firm(s) will be selected for final negotiations. The WCSO may choose to provide the final vendors a best and final offer time period. Upon completion of negotiations and acceptance/approval by the WCSO, a formal contract agreement will be executed between the WCSO and the Vendor.

EVALUATION:  Proposers should include sufficient information to allow thorough evaluation and scoring of their proposals. Proposals will be evaluated primarily on the following criteria.

Evaluation Process

Proposal Content – Vendor Profile (10 Points)

The WCSO Selection Committee will evaluate Vendor stability and commitment to its product line via responses to the Vendor Profile section. This evaluation process will also include the Firm’s project understanding, wherein Vendor shall summarize their understanding of the WCSO’s purpose, scope, and objectives.

Project Management and Implementation Plan Proposal Content (15 Points)

  1. Project plan
  2. Knowledge, skills, and abilities of proposed staff
  3. Maintenance, service and technical support
  4. Other areas

Reference Checks (10 Points)

Vendors shall provide contact information so WCSO personnel may contact their counterparts at agencies that utilize the Vendor’s system to ask scripted questions.  For example, areas that may be contacted include:

  1. Executive management
  2. Project management
  3. IT – Architecture, cloud services, back-up, etc.
  4. Other areas

After completion of this phase, the WCSO moves forward with one Vendor. The WCSO may choose to provide the final candidates a Best and Final Offer time period.

Note:  The WCSO may choose to conduct a site visit of the top selected firms prior to a final decision being made.


Submit one of each of the following documents with Proposal*

Certificate of Non-Collusion

Governing Law and Venue